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Kniks - the world of gifts in the palm of your hand

An electronic gift card you can use to shop in hundreds of online stores

1. Choose gift card amount

10 €
25 €
50 €
100 €

2. What's the occasion?

Valentine´s Day
3. Important details
4. Choose desired payment method

3. Important details

Gift recipient
I want to print a gift card. In this case, the gift card will not be sent to the recipient but to you.

The gift card will be sent to your email so that you can print it out and hand it over to the recipient. If you do not select the check box here, the gift card will be sent to the recipient's email after payment has been received.

Your name
4. Choose desired payment method

4. Choose desired payment method

Please make sure that...

Custom value is below 10 € minimum

Custom value exceeds 3000 € maximum

Name should always be first name and surname

Please accept terms and conditions

E-mail format is incorrect

I accept Kniks terms and conditions.
Payable: -

A selection of e-shops where you can use a Kniks gift card

Making a great surprise is a breeze


Choose the value of gift card,
write a heart-warming message, and buy.


The recipient receives a beautifully designed e-mail, which includes gift code, valid until date and guides for using.


Kniks can be used to shop in hundreds
of e-shops in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Choose Kniks at the shop chekout.